If you are taking classes that have online components, please see the resources below.
Tips for Success with Online Courses
- Set and keep fixed times: Use computer alarms and calendars to help you.
- Do not rush: Manage your time; meet all deadlines; do not get behind.
- Ask questions; contribute online to your class; apply what you’ve learned.
- Be proficient with the technology ahead of time: Practice with video apps, etc.
- Choose your collaborators carefully; are they helpers or hinderers?
- Use all resources available; think outside the box.
- Use proper netiquette.
Learn more at Academic Success Services
Textbook Rental Returns
Here are some helpful instructions on how to return textbook rentals.
Time Management Tips
- Identify time-wasters and set goals. It’s easy to get distracted.
- Plan ahead by creating a to-do list.
- Tackle small tasks to start.
- Only do one thing at a time.
- Establish routines.
- Use breaks wisely.
- Take time off.
- Learn to delegate.
See a blank Weekly Time Management Schedule.
Wellness Center for Mental Health
The Wellness Center wants to remind you that health and wellness is a holistic process. We encourage you to read the article Taking Care of Your Mental Health in the Face of Uncertainty. It has valuable tips for you, and those around you, to practice. Please feel free to forward the link to friends, family, and co-workers. We wish you much peace and good health.
Contact Us
Patricia Corbett, Ed.D.,
Vice President of Academic Affairs